Cables with Removeable Ends for Running thru Walls and Conduit in CL2 & Plenum Jackets
Our Rapid Run Cable System is shown here. The base cable is run thru the ceiling attaching at the projector called a Flying lead then attach a wallplate behind the TV, DVD, or Computer.
Use a flying lead or a wallplate at either end. Great for Schools, Churches, Home Installations, Corporate Board Rooms, Health Care Facilities. RapidRun's high quality construction makes it virtually transparent to video signals, resulting in minimal signal loss and superior performance throughout any application.
The base cable carries audio and video all in one jacket. High bandwidth means high-speed data transfer, which provides full 1080p resolution. The unique shape of the connector allows the cable to glide through small conduit,
the design of the runner cable provides enough relief to pass through a 90° sweep.
Available in cl2 rated in wall or plenum jackets. Simple, easy and fast. Questions? call 866-522-5310 |